Acronym | Meaning |
RCA | Radar Controlled Approach |
RCA | Radio Communications Agency |
RCA | Radiological Control Area (FEMA) |
RCA | Recruit Candidate Academy (Utah Valley University firefighter training) |
RCA | Recycled Concrete Aggregate |
RCA | Regional Center for the Arts (various locations) |
RCA | Regional Co-operation Agreement (15-nation agreement under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency) |
RCA | Regional Contribution Agreement (New Jersey) |
RCA | Regulatory Commission of Alaska (Anchorage, AK) |
RCA | Rental Car Agency |
RCA | Request for Commission Action (Montana) |
RCA | Request for Contract Action |
RCA | Required Corrective Action (various organizations) |
RCA | Research Collaboration Agreement |
RCA | Resolución de Calificación Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Qualification Resolution; Chile) |
RCA | Revealed Comparative Advantage (economics) |
RCA | Riparian Conservation Area |
RCA | Rockfish Conservation Area |
RCA | Route Cause Analysis (accident investigation technique) |
RCA | Royal Canadian Artillery |
RCA | Rural Carrier Associate |
RCA | Rural Community Assistance |
RCA | Soil and Water Resource Conservation Act of 1977 |